Friday, October 08, 2010

Dearth of decent graphics and data for NZ local elections

The papers have made little effort and are mainly sticking to articles. The worst use of a map that I have seen for a long while can be found at

The only site that makes any effort is the official site. Unfortunately it has some serious flaws. No effort is made to explain how many candidates in a ward or board will be elected, which makes the results fairly meaningless. The elections for a particular region are presented in one enormous page full of photo thumbnails that takes an eternity to load for populous regions - this is particularly bad for Auckland.

Friday, October 01, 2010

Hobbit and Actors Equity

I'd say that NZ Actors Equity has a strong case for a better deal on American productions. The producers are looking for the best balance of value and psychic distance, and NZ is the cheapest place in the world for a good supply of white native-English-speakers with developed-world mannerisms in a not excessively exotic natural environment.

If you wanted to find cheaper mobile scenery than this, where would you go?

Africa, China and South America are out unless you're doing a movie with a specific cultural theme.
Eastern Europe has whities who could do a good elf (and they have pointier ears), but these days you'd have to go really far east to escape the worker-enfranchising attentions of the EU - think Serbia or Ukraine. Good luck getting any of them to step up to fill out the gaps - you'd have to fly in anyone with a speaking part.