Friday, August 12, 2011

Windows Explorer Path Too Long - How to Fix

I wrote this up because when I searched for a solution, all I found were people trying to sell me a fix tool for what is a very simple problem that you can fix yourself.


Can't do anything with one or more files or folders using Windows Explorer.

Possible cause

As I understand it, modern versions of Windows allow paths up to 32000 characters, but for some reason the Windows Explorer is only able to handle 256 character paths. So it's possible to get into a situation where a program allows you to create files and folders that you can't manage later with Windows Explorer because the path is too long.


1. Use a different program to work with files. You can often do this from the File:Open dialog box of various programs.

2. Install an alternative file explorer. I didn't do this, so sorry but I can't recommend one. There is a list here.

3. Use the Subst command to create a virtual drive with a shorter path that Windows Explorer can handle, so you can fix the problem.

Subst Example

Let's say you have a file c:\very\very\long\path\file.txt that has this problem.

  1. Open a Command Prompt window (Start:All Programs:Accessories:Command Prompt)
  2. Type subst x:
  3. In Windows Explorer, browse to the file
  4. Copy perhaps half of the file path (e.g. c:\very\very) from the text box at the top
  5. Paste into the Command Prompt (right-click Paste)
You should now have the following text in your Command Prompt:

subst x: c:\very\very

Hit enter, and you should find that there is a new drive x: in your windows explorer, pointing to c:\very\very You can work with your files using this drive.

At this point it's up to you whether you use x: drive all the time to work with these files, or if you go through and shorten the names of the files and folders so that Windows Explorer can handle them from your original drive (c: in this example).

If you don't need the virtual drive any more, you can remove it with

subst x: /d

Saturday, August 06, 2011

Space travel reality is stranger than fiction

Prior to space flight, science fiction writers imagined all kinds of horrors awaiting in space, from killer cosmic rays to space hallucinations that would drive you crazy to malevolent aliens that needed to be fought off with psychic cats. I doubt they could have predicted that a combination of budget cuts, poor politically motivated decision making and a dearth of planning would have largely put an end to human space travel. As stories go, reality is the most fantastical of all.

Friday, August 05, 2011

Radio New Zealand With Pictures

Truly exciting news. Hopefully this means no more of the uncertainty and wishy washy lip service to the charter that TVNZ offered.

"The Radio New Zealand board of governors has given the thumbs up to plans for televised versions of its content as the foundation for a new public service television channel.

The proposed new channel would replace TVNZ7 when government funding runs out next July."